Thursday, December 31, 2009


Well I really fell off the blog wagon for awhile. But I am going to try to keep up with it a bit better in the new year to keep a record of all the day to day craziness of these boys. Our holidays were wonderful! Every year it is such a drain to get ready. We were able to go down to Grandma and Grandpa's for the few days before Christmas which was so relaxing. We spent time together and enjoyed the warm weather.

We picked up Grammy and brought her to our house for Christmas. Kids all tore through their presents, were thrilled with everything, and have been playing and playing ever since. We moved the Wii downstairs and Jim and I have given it a workout as well as the kids. Mom and I have been shopping our hearts out and it has been so nice to have her here.
I love having all our family together with no worries these two weeks every year!! Not looking forward to back to school, sports and work in a few days. Oh, well spring break is right around the corner!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009


I love my life. I really, really do. I have an amazing husband that I love so much, three great, healthy kids, the greatest job ever. I literally have nothing I should complain about. But every so often I just wake up in a funk. Most of the time it involves me being in a mood about my weight and my body. Today was no exception. I feel like I constantly live in limbo land regarding my body, consisting of dieting, frustration, and acceptance.

When I am in the dieting mode it always starts out wonderfully. I feel very in control, I am not bored with diet food, I am doing awesome. Then after the same 5 lbs are lost, I back pedal. I start hating my workouts. I just want some damn junk food. I just want it to be easier.

So then I fall off the wagon which leads to the frustration. Why can I not stick with this, why is it so hard, why do I hate exercise so. I beat myself up about how lazy I am and my lack of willpower. I know how to do this, I've done it before, so why do I keep ending up here.

Then I try to very hard to get to acceptance. I try to accept that I am human and will have bad days, weeks, even months or years. That my body can and will change, and that is ok to be where I am for right now. So tomorrow I will try again to get back on the health wagon for the 500th time and hope it sticks around a little longer than the last time.

Monday, November 9, 2009

End of an Era

Our family came to a huge milestone this week with Jim going under the scalpel (really it is a laser) of a very nice urologist for the "snip" as we call it in our house. We were all anxious all week. Jim for obvious reasons, mine were a bit different.

Of course, I was concerned about my sweet husband who hates doctors and all things medical. I was especially concerned because they decided to put him under anesthesia for the procedure. What I thought was going to be a quick 30 minute office procedure, turned out to be a 3 hour trip to the surgery center with my three kids in tow. They behaved beautifully as they always do when we are in a pinch, but they asked a million questions which were kind of tough to answer. Jim was absolutely fine, with almost no pain at all. Just two tiny, and I mean tiny, spots on the "area" with two stitches. He will be officially sterile in about three months.

Which brings me to my other concern. I was sorta of sad to be done with our baby making days. Don't get me wrong, at this point I am sure that I don't want to have any more babies. Being pregnant at this point sounds like some kind of prolonged torture and Evan is three. We don't have to worry about anything infant anymore. Our house isn't at all childproofed. We have no more baby paraphernalia like strollers or diapers. We let our kids play outside alone, we sleep in on the weekend, we can tell them to grab their shoes and we can go anywhere. It is a freedom that I have waited on for 8 years and I love we are at that stage. However, in my heart I ache a bit for that 4th kid that we shoulda, coulda had. I desperately begged Jim for us to have one more for almost a year. I started right after Evan turned one. He always did a great job convincing me all the reasons why our family was great the way it was, all of the reasons were always true. I had no real reasons to have another baby, I just still felt like I wanted to have one more child in my life to love. It wasn't that I was holding out for a girl, although that would've be wonderful. I really just felt in my heart that I should have one more.

So with the snip, those dreams of a 4th are officially over. Doesn't really matter though since God has already blessed me with the three most amazing human beings to love and care for. Who really deserves to ask for more after you get that??

Monday, November 2, 2009


Leading up to Halloween this year we were very busy with sports, church, and school. We didn't end up putting out all of our decorations, we just never got to it. We didn't make many crafts or a spooky dessert like we've done in years past, we never had the time. However, like I should always remember, the kids didn't really miss it. They mentioned things here or there, but then ran outside to play with their friends when given a choice to do something else. All of them gave me a reason to know they were growing up. Evan insisted to carve his own pumpkin, even though Dad helped a little, it was his crazy design. Nathan has always been a bit leery of dressing up, but did it with gusto this year. Colin was impossible to find a costume for, nothing was jumping out to him for some reason. I gave up and talked him into just buying a black cape thing and put makeup on his face. He didn't like that everyone said he was dressed up as "death" Neither did Mom, by the way he was officially a ghoul. They walked up to the houses alone this year and Jim and I stood back and watched from the sidewalk. They didn't need us to hold their hands, they weren't afraid, they said trick or treat and thank you mostly without prompt from us. At least we have a few more years on the sidewalk. When we got home they dove into their candy, Colin decided to eat his full size candy bar first of course. Then we cuddled on the couch and watched The Great Pumpkin for the 20th time of the season. Somehow that never gets old.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

My First Post

I have been thinking of starting a blog for some time now and decided it was time to finally bite the bullet. After seeing the movie Julie & Julia, I thought if she can blog about food, surely I could blog about my kids and my crazy life. I have watched my boys grow so much before my eyes the last 8 years and I feel their childhoods are so fleeting. They are such individuals, and I want to remember what they were like as children, to see what carries into adulthood and what doesn't. I want to be able to differentiate which kid liked what, and who was the one that talked first. I have already forgotten so much of their babyhood that at least I want to start now. Here is where each of them are now....hopefully in doing this I will also recapture what they did back then as well.

Colin~Colin just turned 8 in Septmeber, how time flies....I do remember the day of his birth. I was so in awe of this little baby that God game me, and so afraid and overwhelmed by the responsibility. He is loving and lazy, sweet and selfish, smart and silly, so many things. He loves video games and playing outside with the neighbor kids who are constantly out in our yard. He is really likable and makes friends easy, much easier than I ever thought he would since he didn't let go of my leg until he was three. He can be so kind to his brothers, but finds them to be a burden at times, which I really find acceptable. Sometimes we all just want some time alone, and it is hard to come by in our house. He does great in school, but sometimes hates to put in the work. I find him to be the most like Jim, smart mouthed, handsome, and kind. They butt heads a lot and think that is the reason....they are two peas in a pod. As I adore my husband, I adore my first born just the same

Nathan~Nathan is a ladies man. He is what every woman will want their husband to be someday. He is observant, sweet, complimentary and so lovey and affectionate. He also is the type of person who holds things in and then blows up. Don't even get me started on how he is when he doesn't get enough sleep. Nathan is the kind of person who needs to get to know someone until he lets loose. He is the most helpful of all my kids and the one that I have the most trouble with getting him to do what I ask...what is up with that. Nathan was a tough baby and sometimes I think that I wished him to grow up to soon. I look at his baby pictures and think how cute he was. He is in Kindergarten this year and doing so well. His teacher says that he is eager to please and and good listener. I think he is on his best behavior at school and then lets loose at home, because his ears seem broken at home sometimes. He and I are the most a like and his smile lights up my day every time I see it.

Evan~Oh, my what can I say about my sweet little Evan. He is three going on 12, he rules the roost around here and every once in awhile I look at him and wonder if he is even mine and Jim's. If he didn't look so much like us, I really think I'd have doubts. He is Mr. Personality. Those that know Jim and I, know we are not outgoing at all. Evan will talk to anyone, anywhere. His vocabulary and social skills are miles ahead of what it should be for a three year old. He is even in a four year old preschool class this year and besides not knowing how to write, you seriously would never know. I used to think it was that he was the third kid, but now I really know it is just him. He is super stubborn and doesn't take no for an answer very easily. He also says he is sorry constantly, but turns around and beats someone in the same breath. He is going to be the kid to keep us on our toes.

They say starting something is the hardest part....we'll see!!