Thursday, December 31, 2009


Well I really fell off the blog wagon for awhile. But I am going to try to keep up with it a bit better in the new year to keep a record of all the day to day craziness of these boys. Our holidays were wonderful! Every year it is such a drain to get ready. We were able to go down to Grandma and Grandpa's for the few days before Christmas which was so relaxing. We spent time together and enjoyed the warm weather.

We picked up Grammy and brought her to our house for Christmas. Kids all tore through their presents, were thrilled with everything, and have been playing and playing ever since. We moved the Wii downstairs and Jim and I have given it a workout as well as the kids. Mom and I have been shopping our hearts out and it has been so nice to have her here.
I love having all our family together with no worries these two weeks every year!! Not looking forward to back to school, sports and work in a few days. Oh, well spring break is right around the corner!